In this video, I’m breaking down an effective using an Effective Setup: in 25. If you’re looking to bring A-gap pressure and attack the right side of the offensive line, this setup is a . I’ll walk you through the key adjustments, including turning off auto-flip and setting the alignment to “Base.” By the end of this breakdown, you’ll be able to disrupt your opponent’s offense with ease, bringing consistent pressure and forcing quick decisions.

Play Diagram:

nickel dbl mug free fire defensive play diagram

Play Info:

Formation: Nickel
Set: 4-2
Personnel: 4DL, 2LB, 5DB
Coverage Type:
Coverage Shell: Cover 0
Blitz Type: Man Blitz
Gap Pressure: B/C
Pass Rushers: 6
Pass Defenders: 5

Playbooks Found In:

  • 3-4
  • Bills
  • Broncos
  • Buccaneers
  • Cardinals
  • Chargers
  • Commanders
  • Cowboys
  • Dolphins
  • Eagles
  • Falcons
  • Giants
  • Lions
  • Panthers
  • Patriots
  • Raiders
  • Rams
  • Ravens
  • Seahawks
  • Steelers
  • Titans
  • Vikings

Default Assignments:

effective blitz setup nickel 2 4 double mug in madden 25 01

Position Assignment
LE Pass Rush
SDT Pass Rush
WDT Pass Rush
RE Pass Rush
LLB Blitz
RLB Blitz
NB Man
SS Man
FS Man

Note: assignments are from the offensive side view of the ball.

Quick Set-Up:

effective blitz setup nickel 2 4 double mug in madden 25 02

  1. Press Coverage
  2. Take control of the right inside linebacker and move him head up over the center.
  3. Press the left stick down at the 6:00 position before the snap.
  4. Once the ball is snapped, engage The center and then release the right hand side linebacker.

Video Breakdown:

Summary of Video Breakdown:

Here is a summary of Nickel 2-4 DBL Mug -Mid 0 Blitz video breadkdown.

Blitz Setup Overview:

The video explains a blitz setup from the Nickel 2-4 Double Mug formation, focusing on generating pressure from the A-gap and the right side. The play used is the Nickel 2-4 Double Mug Mid Zero Blitz, with adjustments to turn off auto-flip and set the alignment to “Base.”

Key Adjustments and Substitutions:

The only substitution made is replacing Coulson with a faster defender (Woods with 92 speed) at right inside linebacker. The video emphasizes aligning the properly, using baseline alignment, and ensuring corners are positioned correctly against bunch formations.

Blitz Execution and Pressure Points:

effective blitz setup nickel 2 4 double mug in madden 25 03

The main focus is on a safety blitzing through the A-gap and an outside linebacker applying pressure from the right side. The setup involves pressing coverage, adjusting the linebacker near the line of scrimmage, and manipulating the offensive line’s blocking assignments.

Coverage Adjustments and Demonstration:

The video demonstrates the blitz setup, highlighting the importance of user control over the linebacker to occupy the center, allowing the safety to apply pressure through the A-gap. Coverage adjustments include dropping a linebacker into a mid- for additional coverage support.

Additional Setup Variations:

The video suggests alternative setups like using QB contain or repositioning defenders for different formations. The presenter notes the setup’s effectiveness against Gun Bunch formations and emphasizes that while the blitz is high-risk due to , it can be highly rewarding if executed correctly.

Final Thoughts:

I hope this breakdown of the Nickel 2-4 Double Mug Mid Zero Blitz helps you elevate your defensive game in Madden 25. With the right adjustments and execution, this blitz can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, especially against formations like Gun Bunch. Remember, while this setup can be high-risk due to the man coverage, the rewards are well worth it when executed correctly. Don’t forget to lab this against different formations to ensure you’re fully prepared to dominate on the field.

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